Cat insurance tailored for your feline

Protection perfectly curated for your cat (and your pocket)

  • check iconGet peace of mind
  • check iconKeep your cat healthy
  • check iconDon’t stress about vet costs
  • check iconSave on routine care
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peace of mind for pet insurancepeace of mind for pet insurance

Coverage That’s The Cat’s Meow

Pet insurance that’s downright delightful



Pay for the health plan your cat really needs, and not what you don’t want.



Your cat’s insurance plan should be as unique as they are. Get the coverage that suits your cat’s actual needs.

fast & simplefast & simple

fast & simple

Hassle-free, digital claims resolution let you spend less time on paperwork and more time on chin scratches.

coverage They actually need

Designed by our team of vet experts and cat people

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check iconurinalysis
check iconultrasounds
check iconcancer
check iconemergency care
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check iconheart disease
check iconhospitalization
check iconroad accidents
check iconoutpatient care
check iconallergy medicine
check iconspecialty care
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check iconprescription medications
check icondiabetes
check iconurinary tract infections
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Your Cat’s Care, Simplified

Get that ball of yarn rolling towards total coverage

Don’t wait for something to happen, maximize your coverage by getting insured now.Don’t wait for something to happen, maximize your coverage by getting insured now.

start when they’re healthy

Don’t wait for something to happen, maximize your coverage by getting insured now.

Go to any vet in the United States. As long as they’re licensed to provide vet care in their state.Go to any vet in the United States. As long as they’re licensed to provide vet care in their state.

All Vets Welcome

Go to any vet in the United States. As long as they’re licensed to provide vet care in their state.

Covers procedures like spaying or neutering, microchipping, six vaccinations, and more!Covers procedures like spaying or neutering, microchipping, six vaccinations, and more!

Get a kitten package

Covers procedures like spaying or neutering, microchipping, six vaccinations, and more!

Cancel on the Lemonade app. Get refunded if it’s within the first 30 days. Just know that waiting periods will reset.Cancel on the Lemonade app. Get refunded if it’s within the first 30 days. Just know that waiting periods will reset.

Cancel at any time

Cancel on the Lemonade app. Get refunded if it’s within the first 30 days. Just know that waiting periods will reset.

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quotation markInstead of rushing over when something bad happens, people should bring their pets in to keep them healthy as they mature.

Dr. Stephanie Liff, DVM, Lemonade’s vet expert

Start Saving on Tests, Vaccines, & Routine Care

Preventative packages cover vet care you’re probably already paying for

PreventativeFrom +$10/Mo
  • check iconWellness Exam
  • check iconVaccines
  • check iconWellness Testing
  • check iconMedical Advice Chat
Preventative+ for Adult CatsFrom +$15/Mo
  • check iconWellness Exam
  • check iconVaccines
  • check iconWellness Testing
  • check iconMedical Advice Chat
  • check iconFlea/Tick or Heartworm Medication
  • check iconRoutine Dental Cleaning
Preventative for KittensFrom +$31/Mo
  • check iconWellness Exam
  • check iconVaccines
  • check iconWellness Testing
  • check iconMedical Advice Chat
  • check iconSpay/Neuter
  • check iconMicrochip
  • check iconFlea/Tick or Heartworm Medication
Preventativefrom +$10/Mo
  • check iconWellness Exam
  • check iconVaccines
  • check iconWellness Testing
  • check iconMedical Advice Chat

America’s Top-Rated Insurance, Now for Your Feline

Lemonade has earned 4.9 stars in the App store and on Google Play, and is top-rated by Supermoney, Clearsurance, and others

Dot2-year-old Domestic Shorthair

What happened? Stranguria

Dot had diarrhea and frequent urination, and the vet diagnosed her with stranguria. She's doing much better after her medication.

Vet Bill: $632Saved With Lemonade: $426
Sailor1-year-old Domestic Shorthair

What happened? Gastroenteritis

Sailor started vomiting and was taken to the vet, where they diagnosed her with gastroenteritis. After being prescribed medication, she is back to her normal self.

Vet Bill: $2,625Saved With Lemonade: $1,791
Riley1-year-old Mixed Breed

What happened? Broken Leg

Riley fell and couldn't get up. She was taken to the vet, where X-rays revealed a broken leg, and she had to undergo emergency surgery.

Vet Bill: $5,391Saved With Lemonade: $4,248
Kilo 2-year-old Mixed Breed

What happened? Upper Respiratory Infection

After dry heaving for a few days, Kilo was taken to the vet for various tests. He was diagnosed an upper respiratory infection and prescribed medication.

Vet Bill: $1,544Saved With Lemonade: $1,266
Milo11-month-old Domestic Longhair

What happened? Foreign Material Ingestion

Milo chewed the ties off of a pair of pants which caused him to vomit. The vet discovered a blockage in his intestine and he was taken to surgery for removal.

Vet Bill: $1,589Saved With Lemonade: $1,066
Buzz3-year-old Mixed Breed

What happened? Heart Murmur

Buzz ate a leaf of a lily, which is toxic. He was taken to the vet and unexpectedly diagnosed with a heart murmur. Buzz ended up undergoing surgery.

Vet Bill: $13,691Saved With Lemonade: $12,522
Dot2-year-old Domestic Shorthair

What happened? Stranguria

Dot had diarrhea and frequent urination, and the vet diagnosed her with stranguria. She's doing much better after her medication.

Vet Bill: $632Saved With Lemonade: $426
Sailor1-year-old Domestic Shorthair

What happened? Gastroenteritis

Sailor started vomiting and was taken to the vet, where they diagnosed her with gastroenteritis. After being prescribed medication, she is back to her normal self.

Vet Bill: $2,625Saved With Lemonade: $1,791
Riley1-year-old Mixed Breed

What happened? Broken Leg

Riley fell and couldn't get up. She was taken to the vet, where X-rays revealed a broken leg, and she had to undergo emergency surgery.

Vet Bill: $5,391Saved With Lemonade: $4,248
Kilo 2-year-old Mixed Breed

What happened? Upper Respiratory Infection

After dry heaving for a few days, Kilo was taken to the vet for various tests. He was diagnosed an upper respiratory infection and prescribed medication.

Vet Bill: $1,544Saved With Lemonade: $1,266
Milo11-month-old Domestic Longhair

What happened? Foreign Material Ingestion

Milo chewed the ties off of a pair of pants which caused him to vomit. The vet discovered a blockage in his intestine and he was taken to surgery for removal.

Vet Bill: $1,589Saved With Lemonade: $1,066
Buzz3-year-old Mixed Breed

What happened? Heart Murmur

Buzz ate a leaf of a lily, which is toxic. He was taken to the vet and unexpectedly diagnosed with a heart murmur. Buzz ended up undergoing surgery.

Vet Bill: $13,691Saved With Lemonade: $12,522

Still Curious?

Pet insurance can seem complicated, so we worked hard to make it simple. Want to learn even more? Check out pet insurance explained.

What are waiting periods?

Like all pet insurers, we have waiting periods before certain coverages kick in - 2 days for accidents, 14 days for illnesses, and 6 months for cruciate ligament events. But if you opted for our preventative package, you can use the benefits in that package the day after you purchased the policy!

What are pre-existing conditions and are they covered?

Anything your cat has shown signs of before the waiting periods are up is considered a pre-existing condition. We don’t cover pre-existing conditions, but we’ve got your back in case of accidents and new illnesses, as part of our base coverage.

How will I get paid for a claim?

We’ll ask you to enter your bank account information as part of submitting your claim in the Lemonade app. Once it’s approved, we’ll issue payment directly into your account.

How do I add another pet?

Each pet needs their own policy, but you’ll need to set them up one at a time. After purchasing a policy for your first pet, just hit the + symbol on your Lemonade app’s home screen to get a new quote for your other furry friend.

Can I change my coverage after purchase?

You can request to increase your coverage within the first 14 days of your policy, and at your policy’s renewal. However, in most states, you can request to decrease your coverage at any time. All changes are subject to our underwriting team’s approval.

Do you need my pet’s medical records?

We want to get to know your cat so we can provide the best coverage. Medical records show vital information and help us understand whether your cat has any previous health issues, a.k.a pre-existing conditions.

Good for Your Cat, and for The World

We’re a public benefit corporation. After covering claims and costs, Lemonade donates to a social cause you choose — including animal welfare organizations.

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assorted publications where Lemonade is coveredassorted publications where Lemonade is covered