Does Car Insurance Cover Vandalism?

Yes, but with comprehensive coverage.

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Does Car Insurance Cover Vandalism?

Your car is your pride and joy, and it’s normal to worry about what could happen if someone decided to vandalize it. Car insurance covers vandalism if you include comprehensive coverage on your policy, but understanding the specifics can help you better prepare and protect your ride.

Let’s explore the ins and outs of car insurance and vandalism, plus what you can do to protect your car from pesky vandals.

  • Vandalism refers to intentional damage caused to your vehicle by malicious acts.
  • Comprehensive coverage in your insurance policy protects against vandalism, ensuring that repairs or replacements are covered.
  • To file an insurance claim for vandalism, you typically need to report the incident to the police and document the damage with photos and detailed descriptions.
  • Be aware that filing vandalism claims can potentially impact your insurance premiums, as your insurer may view you as a higher risk.
  • Prevent vandalism by parking in well-lit, secure areas, using anti-theft devices, and installing security cameras to deter potential vandals.

What is vandalism in the context of car insurance?

what is vandalism in regard to car insurance?

Vandalism, in terms of car insurance, is when someone intentionally damages your car. This could include actions like:

  • Keying your car
  • Breaking windows
  • Spray-painting the body, including graffiti
  • Slashing tires
  • Stealing hubcaps or side mirrors

It’s important to differentiate intentional damage from accidents or natural disasters. Vandalism is a criminal act and requires a police report as part of the insurance claim process.

Does car insurance cover vandalism?

When it comes to protecting your car from vandalism, comprehensive coverage is your best friend. Comprehensive car insurance covers damages from incidents that aren’t collisions with another vehicle, such as vandalism, theft, and natural disasters.

Picture this: You go to the parking garage after a long day at work only to find that someone slashed your tires and keyed the paint job. Comprehensive car insurance coverage can help cover the cost to repair the damage caused by the vandals, after you pay your deductible.

Not all car insurance policies include comprehensive coverage, so it’s essential to review your policy details or speak with your insurance provider to ensure you have the protection you need against vandals.

How do I file a car insurance claim for vandalism?

Filing a vandalism claim involves several key steps to ensure you’re properly reimbursed for repairs. Head to Lemonade’s complete guide on how to file a car insurance claim, if you’re interested.

Here are some general steps you can follow to make the process smoother:

Step 1: Document the damage

Take clear photos of the vandalism damage from multiple angles. Make sure to capture all affected areas, including broken windows, spray paint, and dents.

At Lemonade, we make it quick and easy to report damage to your car, all on the Lemonade app.

Step 2: File a police report

Contact your local police department and file a report. Having an official record of the incident is crucial for your insurance claim.

Step 3: Notify your insurance company

Report the vandalism to your insurance provider as soon as possible. Provide them with the photos, police report, and any other necessary documentation.

Step 4: Meet with an adjuster

An insurance adjuster may need to inspect the damage in person. They will assess the extent of the damage and provide an estimate for repairs.

Step 5: Get repairs

Once your claim is approved, you can take your vehicle to a repair shop. Did you know that at Lemonade Car you can schedule for repairs even before you file a claim?

Keep in mind: Some insurance companies may have preferred repair facilities, or you can choose your own.

How does car vandalism impact my car insurance?

how does vandalism impact my car insurance?

Several factors can influence how your insurance policy covers vandalism and how it affects your insurance rates. Understanding these can help you make informed decisions about your coverage:

Insurance rates and premiums

Filing a vandalism claim can impact your insurance premiums. Repeated claims or a history of vandalism in your area may lead to higher rates.

Role of insurance adjusters and coverage

Insurance adjusters evaluate the amount of damage and determine the payout for your claim. Their assessment—in addition to the car insurance coverages on your policy—will influence how much you could receive for repairs.

Imagine you return to your car after a weekend away, only to find that someone has shattered your windows and graffitied the doors. With comprehensive coverage, you can file a claim to have these damages repaired, reducing the personal financial burden.

Let’s say you chose a comprehensive coverage limit of $10,000 and a deductible of $500. In this scenario, the adjuster determines that it’s an eligible claim and that the cost to repair the damages amounts to $3,000.

After paying your $500 deductible, your insurance would cover the remaining $2,500. This means you save $2,500 thanks to having comprehensive coverage, significantly easing the impact on your wallet.

Claims history

Your claims history plays a role in determining your insurance rates. A history of frequent claims, whether for vandalism or other damages, can result in higher premiums.

By understanding these factors, you can better prepare for the potential impact on your insurance policy and premiums.

4 tips for dealing with vandalism and car insurance

While you can’t always prevent vandalism, there are steps you can take to minimize the risk and the impact it has on your car and insurance policy:

  1. Opt for safe parking spots

Park in well-lit, busy areas, secure garages, or places with surveillance cameras whenever possible. Vandals are less likely to target vehicles in high-traffic areas or where they can be easily recorded.

  1. Use security measures

Install anti-theft devices—like car alarms, steering wheel locks, or dash cams to deter vandals. Visible security features can discourage potential criminals.

  1. Avoid leaving valuables in plain sight

Do not leave valuables such as electronics, bags, or any other items in plain sight inside your vehicle. This reduces the temptation for vandals to break in.

Car insurance typically doesn’t cover personal belongings stolen from your vehicle, but renters insurance or homeowners insurance can provide protection for your stuff.

  1. Install a car cover or tarp 

A car cover can act as an additional deterrent to vandals by making it harder to access and damage your vehicle. Choose a cover that fits securely and can be locked or tied down to keep vandals from easily removing it. This can also protect your car from the elements and other types of damage.

Before we go…

Vandalism is a frustrating and often costly experience, but with the right car insurance coverage, you can protect your vehicle and minimize the financial impact. Reviewing your insurance policy and understanding the claims process are crucial steps in ensuring you’re prepared for any unfortunate incidents.

We hope you never have to deal with vandalism, but if you ever do, you’ll be glad you’re protected by Lemonade car insurance. Click below to start your free quote


Does car insurance cover vandalism?

Yes, comprehensive coverage in your auto insurance policy typically covers vandalism.

Will filing a vandalism claim affect my premiums?

It can. Frequent claims or a history of vandalism in your area may lead to higher insurance rates.

What does comprehensive insurance cover besides vandalism?

Comprehensive insurance also covers theft, natural disasters, fire damage, and accidents involving animals.

How can I improve my home security to prevent vandalism?

To enhance your home security and deter vandalism, consider installing security cameras and motion sensor lights around your property. Additionally, securing doors and windows with high-quality locks and maintaining good relationships with neighbors can help keep your home safe.

A few quick words, because we <3 our lawyers: This post is general in nature, and any statement in it doesn’t alter the terms, conditions, exclusions, or limitations of policies issued by Lemonade, which differ according to your state of residence. You’re encouraged to discuss your specific circumstances with your own professional advisors. The purpose of this post is merely to provide you with info and insights you can use to make such discussions more productive! Naturally, all comments by, or references to, third parties represent their own views, and Lemonade assumes no responsibility for them. Coverage and discounts may not be available in all states.


Please note: Lemonade articles and other editorial content are meant for educational purposes only, and should not be relied upon instead of professional legal, insurance or financial advice. The content of these educational articles does not alter the terms, conditions, exclusions, or limitations of policies issued by Lemonade, which differ according to your state of residence. While we regularly review previously published content to ensure it is accurate and up-to-date, there may be instances in which legal conditions or policy details have changed since publication. Any hypothetical examples used in Lemonade editorial content are purely expositional. Hypothetical examples do not alter or bind Lemonade to any application of your insurance policy to the particular facts and circumstances of any actual claim.