Why Is My Kitten Breathing Fast While Sleeping?

Decoding dreamtime rhythms.

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why is my kitten breathing fast while sleeping

If you’ve noticed your kitten breathing fast while sleeping, you’re not alone—it’s a common concern among pet parents. Watching your tiny furball’s chest rise and fall rapidly can be confusing and alarming. While rapid breathing during sleep can be totally normal, it can sometimes hint at underlying health issues. 

Let’s dive into everything you need to know about your kitten’s breathing patterns, including expert insights from Lemonade’s favorite vet, Dr. Stephanie Liff.

What is considered normal breathing for kittens?

A normal breathing rate for a kitten is around 20 to 30 breaths per minute when resting or sleeping. Dr. Liff points out that kittens tend to have a naturally higher respiratory rate compared to adult cats: 

“It’s normal for kittens to breathe faster than adult cats due to their higher metabolic rate and heart rate. They’re still growing, and their bodies are working hard to develop.”

-Dr. Stephanie Liff

However, if your kitten’s breathing exceeds this range or seems labored, it’s worth investigating further.

Why is my cat breathing fast?

Aside from their naturally high metabolic rate, cats may breathe fast while sleeping because they are dreaming: Just like humans, cats can dream, and their breathing may speed up as they relive playful moments or chase imaginary mice during slumber.

Dr. Liff reassures pet parents that breathing fast while sleeping is typically perfectly normal for kittens:

“Fast breathing during sleep is usually just a sign of dreaming or a high metabolism, which is totally normal for kittens.”

-Dr. Stephanie Liff

However, breathing fast can indicate an underlying health issue in some cases. If your kitten’s rapid breathing is accompanied by other unusual symptoms, like vomiting, it might require a visit to the vet.

When should I be concerned about my cat’s breathing?

While rapid breathing during sleep is often harmless, there are certain signs that may indicate more serious breathing problems. 

Dr. Liff recommends cat parents keep an eye out for:

  • Labored breathing: If your kitten’s chest rises and falls dramatically or they appear to struggle while breathing
  • Open-mouth breathing: Cats rarely breathe through their mouths unless there’s a problem
  • Respiratory distress: Symptoms like wheezing, coughing, or panting can signal something more serious
  • Lethargy: If your kitten is unusually tired or unresponsive
  • Pale gums: This could indicate anemia or poor oxygen circulation

If you notice any of these symptoms, it’s time to check in with your vet.

What illnesses can cause rapid breathing in cats?

While fast breathing is usually nothing to worry about, rapid breathing can happen for a few different reasons that may be cause for concern. Here are some of the common causes:

Respiratory infections

Often caused by viruses or bacteria, respiratory infections can lead to symptoms such as nasal discharge, sneezing, coughing, and difficulty breathing. These infections are common in young cats and can range from mild, like the common cold, to more severe conditions, like bronchitis or pneumonia. 


Dr. Liff notes that asthma is rare in kittens, but it’s still a condition that should not be overlooked. Asthma is a recurring condition caused by the narrowing of the airways in the lungs, sometimes mistaken for respiratory issues due to similar symptoms like wheezing, coughing, and even rapid or labored breathing

“While asthma is not common in kittens, a 10 to 14 month-old cat can definitely develop it.”

-Dr. Stephanie Liff

Parasites and anemia

Anemia happens when your cat has a low red blood cell count, which can cause fast breathing as their body works harder to get enough oxygen. Dr. Liff notes that anemia in kittens is often caused by parasites, like hookworms or fleas, as these parasites can lead to blood loss. 

“Pets with parasites might look pale, scratch a lot from fleas, or even have visible worms in their stool. Anemia caused by parasites is especially common in young kittens, but the treatment is usually quick and fairly inexpensive.”

-Dr. Stephanie Liff

Heart disease

Conditions like heart murmurs or structural defects can lead to breathing problems in cats, as these issues may affect the heart’s ability to pump blood effectively. Dr. Liff explains that certain breeds, such as Maine Coons and Ragdolls, are particularly prone to developing cardiac disease, which can further contribute to respiratory difficulties, or even heart failure, if left untreated. 

Foreign objects

Small objects can sometimes get stuck in the airway and make it hard to breathe. This happens when something blocks airflow or irritates the throat. Common examples include food, small toys, or tiny items that are accidentally inhaled. Acting quickly to remove the object is important to get breathing back to normal and avoid any serious issues.

Stress or trauma

Sudden changes in their environment or injuries can make cats start breathing quickly. When a cat is scared, anxious, or in pain, their body reacts by speeding up their breathing—it’s usually just a natural way to cope. But if the fast breathing doesn’t stop or comes with other symptoms, it’s a good idea to check in with a vet.

How can a vet diagnose the cause of fast breathing?

If your kitten’s rapid breathing doesn’t let up or is accompanied by other symptoms, it’s definitely time for a vet visit. Your vet might use these diagnostic tools to figure out what’s going on:

  • X-rays: These can reveal abnormalities in the lungs or heart
  • Blood tests: To check for anemia, infections, or other health conditions
  • Physical exams: Your vet will listen to your kitten’s heart and lungs for any irregularities
  • Ultrasound: In cases of suspected heart disease or pleural effusion, an ultrasound may be performed

What should I do if my cat is breathing fast but seems normal otherwise?

If your kitten is breathing fast but seems fine otherwise, Dr. Liff advises that pet parents simply monitor their behavior and breathing at home. But if you spot any signs of trouble breathing or other worrying symptoms, it’s time to act quickly:

  1. Check their environment: Make sure your kitten is in a calm, stress-free space with a comfortable temperature.
  2. Observe their chest rises: Count the number of breaths per minute to see if it falls within the normal range. Just a refresher: 20 to 30 breaths per minute during rest or sleep is considered normal.
  3. Contact your vet: If you’re unsure, it’s always better to err on the side of caution and consult a professional.

“If a kitten that doesn’t normally breathe fast starts to do so, it could indicate fever, illness, or respiratory issues. Don’t hesitate to seek veterinary care.”

-Dr. Stephanie Liff

Before we go…

Understanding why your kitten is breathing fast while sleeping can help you determine whether it’s normal or a sign of something more serious. While rapid breathing is often harmless, being aware of potential health conditions and knowing when to seek help can ensure your furry friend stays happy and healthy.

And don’t forget—having pet insurance can give you the confidence to address any concerns without worrying about unexpected costs. Whether it’s routine check-ups or emergency care, Lemonade pet insurance has your cat’s health—and your wallet—in mind. 

Ready to protect your sleepy kitty? Get a quote today. 

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Does overheating cause a kitten to breathe fast?

Overheating can cause rapid breathing as kittens try to cool down. Make sure their sleeping area is at a comfortable temperature and out of direct sunlight. If they keep breathing fast even in a cool space, check for other symptoms and consult your vet.

Can dehydration affect their breathing rate?

Yes, if a kitten is dehydrated, their body may struggle to maintain normal functions, leading to faster breathing. Always provide fresh water, and if they seem lethargic or their gums look dry, contact your vet. Hydration is important for their health.

Are there differences between kitten and adult cat breathing while sleeping?

Yes, kittens naturally have quicker breathing rates than adult cats because of their higher metabolism and faster heart rates. As they grow, their respiratory rate will slow down and align more closely with an adult cat’s. Rapid breathing in kittens is often a part of being young and active.

What are the signs of respiratory distress in kittens?

Watch for symptoms such as labored breathing, open-mouth breathing, wheezing, or lethargy, as these could indicate underlying health concerns. Conditions like tachypnea, which involves abnormally rapid breathing, or pleural effusion, where fluid builds up around the lungs, may be the cause.

If you notice any of these signs, it’s important to seek veterinary care promptly to identify and address the issue.

How can I help my kitten breathe better?

Make sure their space is calm, quiet, and free from anything that might be stressing them out. This could mean moving them to a quieter spot, keeping noise levels down, or separating them from other pets that might be making them anxious. If they’re still breathing rapidly after trying these steps, it’s a good idea to check in with your vet for a closer look.

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