Why Is My Kitten Not Pooping?

Helping your “backed-up” kitty.

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why is my kitten not pooping

Kitten constipation is a common concern for pet parents, especially when young kittens aren’t using the litter box as expected. While it’s normal for very young kittens to have irregular bowel movements, persistent constipation can be a sign of underlying health issues.

Let’s explore everything you need to know about constipation in kittens, including expert insights from Lemonade’s favorite vet, Dr. Stephanie Liff

What is constipation in kittens?

Constipation occurs when a kitten struggles to have a regular bowel movement. Constipation means either having trouble passing bowel movements, like with hard stool, or not having any bowel movement for a few days.

This can lead to discomfort, hard stool, or even a complete inability to pass feces. While occasional irregularity might not be a big deal, chronic constipation could signal more serious issues, like a blockage or a condition like megacolon, which makes defecating difficult.

 “Kitten constipation can often be as simple as not eating enough to generate poop or being a bit dehydrated, which causes the poop to become hard and dry.”

-Dr. Stephanie Liff

Why isn’t my kitten pooping?

There are several reasons why your kitten might be constipated. Some causes are minor, while others may require immediate veterinary care. Let’s take a look at the most common causes of constipation in kittens:

1. Parasites

According to Dr. Liff, parasites are the most common cause of any gastrointestinal (GI) upset in kittens, including constipation. Luckily, parasite infections are fairly straightforward to treat, and can be resolved in as little as two visits to the vet. 

2. Dehydration

Kittens need enough water to keep their digestive system functioning properly. Without adequate hydration, their poop can become hard and difficult to pass. Fresh water should always be available, and wet food can help increase their water intake.

3. Diet

Kittens transitioning from mother’s milk to solid food or kitten food may experience constipation. A diet lacking enough fiber or consisting mainly of dry food can also contribute to this problem. It’s important to stay on top of your cat’s nutritional needs

4. Lack of movement

Like humans, kittens need exercise to keep their digestive tract active. A sedentary lifestyle may slow down their digestive system, causing constipation.

5. Medical conditions

Certain medical conditions, such as intestinal blockage, megacolon, or a pelvic injury, can interfere with a kitten’s ability to poop. In rare cases, a congenital issue may be the culprit.

According to Dr. Liff, a kitten might have trouble pooping due to a colon issue, like a dysfunction that makes it hard to pass stool or a narrowing in the colon that blocks it, aka a stricture.

“Sometimes issues, like a broken pelvis from birth or an injury before adoption, can cause problems with constipation.” 

-Dr. Stephanie Liff

6. Litter box aversion

Sometimes the issue isn’t physiological. If the litter box is dirty, in an inconvenient location, or your kitten simply doesn’t like the type of litter, they may avoid using it altogether.

What are the signs of constipation in kittens?

Recognizing the signs of kitten constipation early can help you address the issue before it worsens. Look for these common signs:

  • Straining or crying while trying to poop
  • Hard stool in the litter box
  • Fewer trips to the litter box
  • Loss of appetite
  • Lethargy or discomfort, especially near the abdomen
  • A swollen or hard belly

If your kitten is showing any of these signs, it’s time to consult your vet. 

What should I do if my kitten is constipated?

Before rushing to the vet, there are several home remedies you can try to relieve your kitten’s constipation. However, if these methods don’t work within 24 to 48 hours—or if your kitten appears to be in pain—seek professional veterinary care.

1. Increase hydration

Encourage your kitten to drink fresh water by providing multiple water bowls or even a water fountain. Wet food can also help boost hydration levels, making it easier for your kitten to pass stool.

2. Adjust their diet

Switching to a high-quality wet kitten food with enough fiber can help keep them regular. Avoid feeding only dry food, as it lacks the moisture necessary for proper digestion. Always consult with your vet before changing your kitten’s food or feeding schedule.

3. Gentle stomach massages

Using warm water and a soft cloth, gently massage your kitten’s belly in a clockwise circular motion. This can help stimulate their digestive tract and encourage a bowel movement.

4. Add fiber or probiotics

Adding a small amount of pumpkin puree (unsweetened) or a kitten-safe fiber supplement to their diet can help with constipation. Probiotics formulated for kittens can also support a healthy digestive system. Before giving your kitten a supplement, it’s important to check with your vet about the best option for your kitten’s health.

5. Try a warm bath

Bathing your kitten in warm water can relax their muscles and potentially help them pass stool. Be sure to dry your kitten thoroughly afterward to avoid chills.

When should I call the vet about my cat’s constipation?

If your kitten’s constipation persists or they begin showing more severe symptoms like vomiting, loss of appetite, or lethargy, it’s time to consult a vet. Dr. Liff notes that in persistent cases of constipation it’s crucial to get your kitten to the vet for an evaluation. 

“Your vet can assess your kitten’s hydration and check for underlying health issues, like kidney disease or intestinal blockages.”

-Dr. Stephanie Liff

Your vet may recommend treatments such as:

  • X-rays: To identify any blockages or abnormalities in the digestive tract.
  • Enema: A safe and effective procedure performed by a vet to help clear the colon.
  • Laxatives: Prescription laxatives like lactulose can soften stool and make it easier to pass.
  • Hydration therapy: If dehydration is the cause, your vet may administer fluids.

Is kitten constipation preventable?

The good news is that many cases of constipation can be prevented with proper care and attention. Here are some tips to keep your kitten’s digestive system healthy:

  • Provide fresh water at all times and consider using a water fountain to encourage hydration.
  • Feed a balanced diet of wet food and kitten food with enough fiber.
  • Keep your kitten active with toys and playtime to promote healthy digestion.
  • Maintain a clean and accessible litter box to encourage regular use.
  • Monitor your kitten’s poop for any changes in consistency or frequency.

Before we go…

Constipation in kittens is a common issue, but with the right care and attention, it’s often easy to resolve. Keeping an eye on your kitten’s hydration, diet, and litter box habits can go a long way in preventing and treating constipation.

In the rare case that constipation in kittens is a sign of a serious illness, pet insurance can be a life-saver. 

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How do I know if my kitten’s poop is normal once they go?

Healthy kitten poop should be soft but formed, and medium to dark brown in color. If it’s extremely hard, very pale, or has mucus or blood, it might indicate an issue. Monitoring their litter box habits regularly can give you clues about their overall health.

Can I give over-the-counter treatments like human laxatives to my constipated kitten?

No, human laxatives can be dangerous and even toxic to kittens. Always consult your vet before giving your cat any medication or supplement. There are kitten-safe options your vet can recommend if needed.

Can switching kitten food cause constipation?

A sudden change in diet can disrupt your kitten’s digestion and lead to temporary constipation. Gradually transition to a new food over the course of a week to help their digestive system adjust. Including wet food in their diet can also help maintain softer stools. Consult your vet when deciding to make any changes to your kitten’s diet.

Why does my kitten cry when trying to poop?

Crying during a bowel movement is usually a sign of discomfort or pain. This could be caused by hard stool, dehydration, or even something like a partial blockage. If crying continues, contact your vet to identify the underlying issue.

Can using the wrong litter type cause constipation?

Some kittens may dislike certain types of litter and avoid the litter box altogether, leading to constipation. Experimenting with soft, unscented litter can encourage them to use the box regularly. Make sure the box is clean and easy for them to access, too.

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